§ 5.36.070. Revocation of city film permit.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    A city film permit may be revoked in writing by the city film monitor for the following reasons:


    Misrepresentation of production parameters or special effects on the permit application.


    Any violations of the Sierra Madre Municipal Code, state or federal law, and/or the city's filming rules and regulations.


    Any violation of the conditions imposed on the city film permit.


    The Sierra Madre Police and Fire Departments are authorized to suspend any filming activity not authorized by the necessary permit or when permit conditions are violated or where the city's filming rules and regulations, laws or ordinances are violated. If either the Sierra Madre Police and/or Fire Departments suspend filming, such suspension shall be reported to the city film monitor who may revoke the permittee's city film permit under this section.


    The decision of the city film monitor to revoke a city film permit shall be final unless appealed pursuant to Section 5.36.080.

(Ord. No. 1308, § 1, 6-8-10)