§ 5.36.030. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:


    "City film permit" shall mean a permit issued by the city of Sierra Madre to allow the activities associated with the production, filming or video taping of motion picture and television shows, programs, commercials and still photography.


    "City film monitor" shall mean the city manager of the city of Sierra Madre or his/her designee.


    "City produced or city sponsored government or educational access productions" shall mean motion picture, television, or still photography produced by or in association with the city.


    "Extra small film productions" shall mean a cast and crew of five or fewer persons not using a generator.


    "Family videos" shall mean the filming or videotaping of motion pictures or taking of still photographs solely for private use.


    "Film activity" shall mean and include all activity attendants to staging or shooting motion pictures, television shows or programs, and commercials and to still photo shoots as defined in this chapter.


    "News media" shall mean the photographing, filming or videotaping for the purpose of spontaneous, unplanned television news broadcast or reporting for print media by reporters, photographers or cameramen.


    "Small film productions" shall mean a cast and crew of fifty or fewer persons that are self-contained on the site where film activity will take place and will not involve the parking of vehicles on any public street beyond the filming site.


    "Still photo shoots" shall mean commercial photography utilizing a cast and crew of three or more persons.


    "Student film" shall mean motion picture, television, or still photography produced to satisfy a course or curriculum requirement at an educational institution. The student must supple proof that he/she is currently enrolled in an educational institution.


    "Studio productions" shall mean a legally established, commercial, motion picture/television/still photography, place of business where filming activities (motion or still photography) are regularly conducted inside a studio/stage upon the premises.

(Ord. No. 1308, § 1, 6-8-10)