§ 5.28.050. Permit—Issuance—Denial—Suspension.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The city administrator shall consider the application and other relevant information obtained by him/her as a result of his/her investigation. If he/she finds that the applicant has not stated true facts in the application, or that if a permit were to be granted to the applicant, a fraud, in all probability, would be perpetrated upon members of the general public, he/she shall refuse to issue such permit. If he/she finds that the application is truthful, that the applicant is acting in good faith, and that, in all probability, a fraud would not be so perpetrated, he/she shall issue the permit to the applicant for a period of time, as requested by the applicant, not to exceed a period of ninety days from and after the issuance of such permit.


    The city administrator shall suspend any permit issued under this chapter if he/she finds that the permittee in its operation is, in fact, perpetrating a fraud upon members of the general public.

(Prior code § 3184)