§ 5.08.210. Weighing and amusement machines.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Every person engaged in the business of, or who in conjunction with any other business, uses, operates, rents, leases, hires or maintains any weighing machine, shall pay a license tax in an amount set by city council resolution. The license tax shall be based on a flat rate, plus an assessment for each employee.


    Every person engaged in the business of, or who in conjunction with any other business, uses, operates, rents, leases, hires, or maintains any machine, device, apparatus, table game, music box, phonograph, radio or television, used or played by the public solely for amusement, pleasure or entertainment purposes, for which any sum is charged for its operation or which is operated by the deposit of a coin or slug in any slot, shall pay a license tax in an amount established by the city council resolution. Such annual tax shall be assessed for each such machine, device, apparatus, board, table, game, music box, phonograph, radio, or television.


    This chapter does not authorize and no license shall be issued for any machine, device, apparatus, board, table, game, music box, phonograph, radio or television, the use or operation of which is prohibited by law nor for use upon any public street, highway, parkway or alley.

(Ord. 1095 § 1 (part), 1992)